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Collier County’s Conservative Conscience

Collier County’s Conservative Conscience



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It’s often said no one cares about how much you know until they know how much you care. So allow me to share why I care…

Before the former commissioner was to cast his vote representing the people of District 2, I sent him an email stating if he voted against the free will of the people, I would run against him. Well, he did, and I won!

Chris Hall




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Fighting to outlaw sexually explicit drag shows from public property and access to minors.

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Introduced local medical freedom bill of rights to outlaw mask and vaccine mandates in Collier County.

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Led efforts to return COVID regulation money provided by the CDC.

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Repealed unnecessary regulations on homeowners related to tenant-landlord relationships.

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Championed efforts to create private sector options for affordable housing, not government driven intervention.


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Chairman of BCC and Acting Commissioner on the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

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Pushed to evaluate insourcing (using County employees vs outside contractors) to save taxpayers $2.5M

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Removed fluoride from public potable water supply

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Argued to keep Commissioners representing each district to give you representation specifically for the District

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Approved largest Conservation Collier purchase of 2,247 acres

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Worked with Priority Based Budgeting consultant to save Collier over $100 million

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Fought for 2nd year in a row to not raise taxes

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More than 400 affordable housing units approved in 2024

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Asked to be the Keynote speaker for Freedom Conference with National Constitutional Sheriffs Association

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Brought forward the Resolution to Vote "NO" on Amendment 4 (Passed 5-0)

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Helped bring public-private relationship to add $8 million investment in East Naples Community Park for 7-yr US Open Pickleball Championship

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Encouraged Sheriff's office to add intersection safety countermeasures


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Brought first Safe Haven Baby Box to Collier EMS facility

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Grand Opening of Great Wolf Lodge to bring $150 Million in tax revenue over 30-years

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Repealed the 60-day rental ordinance

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Introduced the ban on marijuana dispensaries

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Spearheaded the return of CDC funds

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Reorganized AHAC with strong leadership

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Introduced 4 affordable housing initiatives

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Championed the Health Freedom Bill of Rights

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Only Commissioner to vote against a District 2 high-density apartment project

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Ensured the liberties of the people by passing the Bill of Rights Ordinance

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Negotiated a win-win agreement with Pelican Bay Pickleball

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Fought hard to roll back taxes for the first time in 13 years

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Structured a deal for the people near Wiggins Pass Tract 10 area

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Championed hiring a 3rd party Priority Based Budgeting company

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Spearheaded bringing a Pro Soccer team to Collier



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